Example 5 - Minimise Z = 3x + 2y subject constraints:x + y< 8 - Linear equations given - Not feasible

Example 5 - Chapter 12 Class 12 Linear Programming - Part 2


Example 5 - Chapter 2 Class 12 Linear Programming - NCERT Minimise Z = 3x + 2y subject to the constraints: x + y ≥ 8 3x + 5y ≤ 15 x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 Plotting points For x + y ≥ 8 Points are (0, 8) and (8, 0) For 3x + 5y ≤ 15 Points are (0, 3) and (5, 0) Plotting graphs of both lines And shading the relevant parts We notice that There is no common region, thus, there is no feasible region. Hence, there is no maxnimum value of Z

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.