Excise Records Name

Details of

RG 23A

It contains details of Excise duty on Purchase of Inputs

It has 2 parts

RG 23A Part I –It contains quantity purchased details

RG 23A Part ii-It contains details of Cenvat taken and utilized

RG 23C

It contains details of Excise duty on Purchase of Capital Goods

It has 2 parts

RG 23A Part I –It contains quantity purchased details

RG 23A Part ii-It contains details of Cenvat taken and utilized

RG 23D

It is a register for First Stage Dealer/Second stage dealer


(Personal Ledger Account)


Account Current

It contains details of duty paid in cash

Opening balance of PLA

+ Amount deposited

-Amount utilized against duty payable

=Closing Balance of PLA

RG1 or

Daily Stock Account

It is daily stock register of finished goods

Op balance of finished goods + Production of finished goods-Clearance(sale) of finished goods=Closing  Balance of Finished goods

Form IV

Register for receipt and issue of Raw Materials

Job worker Records

Record for Goods sent to Jobworker

Record maintained by Job workers for Goods Received

Record for sending capital goods for test, repairs etc


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Made by

CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.