Read the extract and answer the following questions.


With that he picked me up and tossed me into the deep end. I landed in a sitting position, swallowed water, and went at once to the bottom. I was frightened, but not yet frightened out of my wits. On the way down I planned: When my feet hit the bottom, I would make a big jump, come to the surface, lie flat on it, and paddle to the edge of the pool.

(Deep Water)

Deep Water - Exract Based Question (2)- Teachoo.png

Question (i)

Who picked up and tossed the narrator into the deep end?

  1. His father
  2. His friend
  3. His teacher
  4. His coach


Answer as written by the student:

(a) His father

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to recall the information that was given before the extract.
  • The information that was given before the extract was: Chapter name Deep Water class 12.
  • This tells us that the extract is from the chapter Deep Water from class 12 textbook.
  • If we read the chapter, we will find out that the narrator is Douglas, and that he was tossed into the deep end by his father.
  • Therefore, the correct answer is A. His father.😊

Question (ii)

What did the narrator do on the way down to the bottom of the pool?

  1. He screamed for help
  2. He flailed his arms
  3. He planned his escape
  4. He closed his eyes


Answer as written by the student:

(c) He planned his escape

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to read the third sentence of the extract carefully.
  • The sentence says, "On the way down I planned: When my feet hit the bottom, I would make a big jump, come to the surface, lie flat on it, and paddle to the edge of the pool."
  • This means that the narrator did not panic or give up, but rather thought of a way to get out of the water and save himself.
  • Therefore, the correct answer is C. He planned his escape.😊

Question (iii)

 Complete the sentence appropriately.

 The phrase "frightened out of my wits" suggests that ____________.


Answer as written by the student:

The phrase "frightened out of my wits" suggests that the narrator was extremely scared but still able to think clearly.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To complete this sentence, we need to understand what the phrase "frightened out of my wits" means.
  • The phrase means that someone is so scared that they lose their ability to reason or act sensibly.
  • However, in this extract, the narrator uses the word "yet" to show that he was not in that state of mind, but rather still had some control over his thoughts and actions.
  • Therefore, the sentence can be completed as: The phrase "frightened out of my wits" suggests that the narrator was extremely scared but still able to think clearly.😊

Question (iv)

 Pick evidence from the extract that helps one infer that the narrator had some swimming skills.


Answer as written by the student:

 The evidence from the extract that helps one infer that the narrator had some swimming skills is that he knew how to lie flat on the surface and paddle to the edge of the pool.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to find a part of the extract that shows that the narrator had some knowledge or experience of swimming.
  • The part of the extract that shows this is: "When my feet hit the bottom, I would make a big jump, come to the surface, lie flat on it, and paddle to the edge of the pool."
  • This shows that the narrator had some swimming skills, because he knew how to position his body and move his arms and legs in order to stay afloat and move in the water.
  • Therefore, the evidence is that he knew how to lie flat on the surface and paddle to the edge of the pool.😊

Question (v)

 Which of the following headlines best suggests the central idea of the extract?

  1. A Boy's First Encounter with Water
  2. A Father's Attempt to Teach His Son Swimming
  3. A Boy's Struggle to Survive in the Pool
  4. A Father's Mistake That Traumatized His Son


Answer as written by the student:

(c) A Boy's Struggle to Survive in the Pool

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the main point or message of the extract.
  • The extract tells us about how the narrator was thrown into the deep end of the pool by his father, and how he felt frightened and helpless in the water. It also tells us about how he planned his escape and tried to save himself.
  • The extract does not focus on how this was his first encounter with water, or how his father wanted to teach him swimming, or how this affected his relationship with his father.
  • Therefore, the headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract is C. A Boy's Struggle to Survive in the Pool.😮

Question (vi) 

Complete the sentence with ONE word. 

The phrase "I landed in a sitting position" suggests that the narrator was _______________.


Answer as written by the student:

The phrase "I landed in a sitting position" suggests that the narrator was unprepared.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To complete this sentence, we need to find a word that describes the narrator's state or condition when he landed in the water.
  • The phrase "I landed in a sitting position" suggests that the narrator was not ready or expecting to be thrown into the water. He did not have time to brace himself or adjust his posture. He did not have a choice or a chance to resist or avoid the water.
  • Therefore, the word that fits this description is unprepared, which means not ready or equipped for something.
  • Therefore, the sentence can be completed as: The phrase "I landed in a sitting position" suggests that the narrator was unprepared.😕
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo