Read the extract and answer the following questions.


 Snatching a blanket, he laid the child upon it and began the special method of respiration. The basins arrived, the ewer, the big iron kettle. Frantically he splashed cold water into one basin; into the other he mixed water as hot as his hand could bear. Then, like some crazy juggler, he hurried the child between the two, now plunging it into the icy, now into the steaming bath. Fifteen minutes passed. Sweat was now running into Andrew’s eyes, blinding him. One of his sleeves hung down, dripping. His breath came pantingly. But no breath came from the lax body of the child.


Birth - Extract based questions (4) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

What is the name of the special method of respiration that the doctor used on the child?

  1. CPR
  2. Mouth-to-mouth
  3. Oxygen mask
  4. Inhaler


Answer as written by the student:


Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the name of the special method of respiration that the doctor used on the child in the extract. πŸ•΅οΈ‍♂️
  • The first sentence of the extract tells us that he laid the child upon a blanket and began the special method of respiration. This means that he used a technique or procedure that helps someone breathe when they are unable to do so on their own. 🩺
  • The word "respiration" means the process of breathing; inhaling and exhaling air. It implies that we need to focus on the respiratory system or function of the child. πŸ’¨
  • The word "special" means different from or better than what is usual; unique or specific. It implies that we need to focus on a particular or distinctive method of respiration that is not common or ordinary. 🌟
  • Therefore, we need to find the name of a unique or specific technique or procedure that helps someone breathe when they are unable to do so on their own. πŸ™Œ
  • The name of such a method is CPR, which stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation . This is a technique that involves chest compressions and artificial ventilation to restore blood circulation and oxygen delivery to someone who has stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped beating. πŸ’“  Therefore, based on this clue, we can say that the name of the special method of respiration that the doctor used on the child is CPR. βœ”οΈ

Question (ii)

What does the phrase 'crazy juggler' imply about the doctor's actions?

  1. He was throwing things in the air
  2. He was moving things quickly and skillfully
  3. He was doing something dangerous and risky
  4. He was entertaining someone with his tricks


Answer as written by the student:

(b) He was moving things quickly and skillfully

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand what the phrase 'crazy juggler' means and how it relates to the doctor's actions in the extract. πŸ“š
  • The word "crazy" means extremely enthusiastic or passionate about something; or mad or insane; or foolish or impractical; or unpredictable or erratic. It implies that we need to focus on the emotional or mental aspect of the phrase. 😜
  • The word "juggler" means someone who can keep several objects in motion in the air at the same time by alternately tossing and catching them; or someone who can handle several activities or tasks at once with skill and ease. It implies that we need to focus on the physical or practical aspect of the phrase. 🀹‍♂️
  • Therefore, the phrase 'crazy juggler' means someone who is extremely enthusiastic or passionate or mad or insane or foolish or impractical or unpredictable or erratic about keeping several objects in motion in the air at once by tossing and catching them; or someone who can handle several activities or tasks at once with skill and ease. 😲
  • This implies something about the doctor's actions in the extract. It suggests that he was doing something very fast and skillful, but also very passionate or mad or foolish or unpredictable, with several objects or tasks at once. πŸ˜…
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can say that the phrase 'crazy juggler' implies that the doctor's actions were fast and skillful, but also passionate or mad or foolish or unpredictable, with several objects or tasks at once. βœ”οΈ

Question (iii)

 Complete the sentence appropriately.

The word "lax" means ____________.


Answer as written by the student:

The word "lax" means loose or slack.

Step-by-step explanation:

  •  To answer this question, we need to understand what the word "lax" means and how to complete the sentence appropriately. πŸ“š
  •   The word "lax" means not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful; or not tense, firm, or rigid; or relaxed. It implies that we need to focus on the quality or condition of something or someone. πŸ“ˆ
  •  Therefore, to complete the sentence appropriately, we need to use a word or phrase that describes the quality or condition of something or someone that is lax. πŸ™Œ
  •  The word or phrase that best describes the quality or condition of something or someone that is lax is loose or slack. This word or phrase captures the idea that something or someone that is lax is not tight or tense, but rather flexible or relaxed. 😌
  •  Therefore, based on this clue, we can complete the sentence appropriately by saying that the word "lax" means loose or slack. βœ”οΈ

Question (iv)

 Identify the line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the doctor was exhausted.


Answer as written by the student:

The line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the doctor was exhausted is "Sweat was now running into Andrew’s eyes, blinding him. One of his sleeves hung down, dripping. His breath came pantingly."

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the line from the text that supports the fact that the doctor was exhausted. πŸ”Ž
  • The word "evidence" means facts or information that indicate or prove something. It implies that we need to find a specific sentence or phrase from the text that shows or confirms something. πŸ“
  • The word "fact" means something that is true or real. It implies that we need to find a line from the text that is based on reality and not on opinion or inference. πŸ“Œ
  • The fact that we need to support is that the doctor was exhausted. This means that we need to find evidence that shows that he was very tired or worn out physically or mentally. 😴
  • The line from the text that bears evidence to this fact is "Sweat was now running into Andrew’s eyes, blinding him. One of his sleeves hung down, dripping. His breath came pantingly." This line shows that he was very tired or worn out physically and mentally. It shows that he was sweating a lot, which indicates physical exertion and heat. It also shows that his eyes were blinded by sweat, which indicates mental confusion and stress. It also shows that his sleeve was dripping with water, which indicates physical messiness and disorder. It also shows that his breath was panting, which indicates physical difficulty and strain. πŸ˜“
  • Therefore, based on this evidence, we can identify this line as the one that bears evidence to the fact that the doctor was exhausted. βœ”οΈ

Question (v)

What does the term 'plunging' indicate about the doctor's movements?


Answer as written by the student:

The term 'plunging' indicates that the doctor's movements were sudden and forceful.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand what the term 'plunging' means and how it relates to the doctor's movements in the extract. 🏊‍♂️
  • The word "plunging" means jumping or diving quickly and energetically; or pushing something quickly and forcefully into something else; or falling steeply in value or amount; or involving oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest. It implies that we need to focus on the action or motion of something or someone. πŸš€
  • Therefore, the term 'plunging' means jumping or diving quickly and energetically; or pushing something quickly and forcefully into something else; or falling steeply in value or amount; or involving oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest. 🌊
  • This indicates something about the doctor's movements in the extract. It suggests that he was moving something quickly and forcefully into something else, such as the child into the basins of water. It also suggests that he was involving himself deeply in a particular activity or interest, such as trying to resuscitate the child. 😬
  •  Therefore, based on these clues, we can say that the term 'plunging' indicates that the doctor's movements were sudden and forceful. βœ”οΈ

Question (vi)

 Which of the following headlines best suggests the central idea of the extract?

  1. A Doctor's Desperate Attempt
  2. A Doctor's Creative Solution
  3. A Doctor's Fatal Mistake
  4. A Doctor's Last Hope


Answer as written by the student:

(a) A Doctor's Desperate Attempt

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract. πŸ—žοΈ
  • The word "headline" means a short phrase or sentence that summarizes the main point or theme of a text. It implies that we need to find a concise and catchy way to express the essence or message of the extract. πŸ“£
  • The word "central idea" means the most important or essential thought or concept that a text conveys. It implies that we need to find the main purpose or intention of the extract. 🎯
  • The central idea of the extract is that a doctor who feels horror at the still form of the child tries to resuscitate the child by using a special method of respiration and plunging the child into basins of water. This means that we need to find a headline that captures this idea in a simple and effective way. πŸ™Œ
  • The headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract is A. A Doctor's Desperate Attempt. This headline summarizes the main point of the extract, which is that a doctor tries to save the child's life in a desperate and frantic way. It also creates interest and curiosity in the reader, who would want to know if the doctor succeeds or fails in his attempt. 🀩
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can choose A. A Doctor's Desperate Attempt as the headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract. βœ”οΈ
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo