Read the extract and answer the following questions.


An hour later he went upstairs again, noted the progress made, came down once more, sat by the kitchen fire. It was still, except for the rustle of a cinder in the grate and the slow tick-tock of the wall clock. No, there was another sound —the beat of Morgan’s footsteps as he paced in the street outside. The old woman opposite him sat in her black dress, quite motionless, her eyes strangely alive and wise, probing, never leaving his face.


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Question (i)

 Who is the 'he' in the first sentence of the extract?

  1. Andrew
  2. Morgan
  3. Blaina
  4. Blaenelly


Answer as written by the student:

(a). Andrew

Step-by-step explanation:

  •  To answer this question, we need to identify the 'he' in the first sentence of the extract. 🕵️‍♂️
  •   The first sentence of the extract tells us that he went upstairs again, noted the progress made, came down once more, and sat by the kitchen fire. This means that he is someone who has access to the house and can move around freely. 🏠
  •  The previous extract tells us that Andrew is the doctor who went to Number 12 Blaina Terrace with Morgan for a night call. This means that Andrew is someone who has access to the house and can move around freely. 🩺
  •  Therefore, based on these clues, we can conclude that the 'he' in the first sentence of the extract is Andrew. ✔️

Question (ii)

What does the phrase 'noted the progress made' imply about the situation upstairs?

  1. The situation was improving
  2. The situation was worsening
  3. The situation was unchanged
  4. The situation was unknown


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CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo