English Class 7

Write an application to your Principal asking him to grant you leave for a week as you are not well and the  doctor has advised you to take rest. You are Rohita, a student of Class VII of MPS Public School, Rajkot.







The Principal,

MPS Public School,



10 August, 2022


Subject : Application for leave


Respected Sir,

1️⃣I have been suffering from high fever and flu like symptoms since yesterday.2️⃣I have taken the COVID -19 test as per the protocols and am waiting for the results. 3️⃣The doctor has advised me strict rest and isolation for 7 days i.e. till 16th August, 2022.  4️⃣Therefore, I would like to request a leave from school for this period.

5️⃣ Kindle grant me the permission for same. I will be highly obliged and grateful


Thanking you


Yours Obediently,

Rohita Sharma

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo