Physical Properties of Metals - Teachoo.png


Metals are malleable, that is, they can be broken down into thin sheets without breaking. 

  • Example : Aluminium, Iron
  • Exceptions : Zinc, Arsenic, Mercury


Metals are ductile, that is, they can be stretched to make thin wires without breaking.

  • Example : Copper, Aluminium
  • Exceptions : Mercury, Zinc 

Luster (or Shine)

All metals have a shiny surface. They are lustrous. Though, they can lose their luster by getting corroded  

  • Example : Copper, Aluminium, Gold
  • Exceptions : No- exceptions

Heat Conductivity

Metals are good conductors of heat, that is why frying pans are made of metals.

  • Example : Silver, Copper
  • Exceptions : Mercury, Lead


Electrical Conductivity

Metals are good conductors of heat, that is why they are used to make electrical wires

  • Example : Silver, Copper
  • Exceptions : Mercury, Lead



Most metals are hard . This hardness varies from metal to metal.

  • Example : Aluminium, Iron
  • Exceptions : Sodium, Potassium


Metals are solid at room temperature.  

  • Example : Aluminium, Iron
  • Exceptions : Mercury

Melting and Boiling points

Metals have high melting and boiling points . (>1000°C)

  • Example : Tungsten, Gold, Silver, Copper
  • Exceptions : Sodium, Potassium, Mercury, Gallium, Cesium 


Metals are sonorous. They make sounds when hit. 

  • Example : Tin, Silver, Gold, Copper, Iron
  • Exceptions : Mercury


Summary of Physical Properties of Metals






Being beaten into thin sheets without breaking is called malleability.

Silver, Gold, Copper, Iron, Aluminium

Zinc, Arsenic, Mercury


Property of being stretched into long wires without breaking.

Gold is the most ductile metal. Silver, copper are also ductile.

Mercury, Zinc, 


The shine of a material is called lustre.

All metals show lustre.


Good conductor of heat

Property to withstand high temperatures without melting

Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Gold and Silver

Mercury, Lead

Good conductor of electricity

Property of letting electric current pass through it

Silver, Gold, Copper, Aluminium



The property of being hard in nature and resisting easy breakage.

Iron, Copper, Aluminium, Zinc

Sodium metal can be cut with a knife, it is soft in nature.


Metals are solid at room temperature.

Iron, Zinc



Producing a ringing sound when struck

Tin, Silver, Gold, Copper, Iron


High Melting Point

The temperature at which it transforms from a solid to liquid state

Tungsten, Gold, Silver, Copper

Sodium, Potassium, Gallium and Caesium

High Boiling Point

The temperature at which vapour state is reached

Tungsten, Gold, Silver

Sodium, Potassium,


Solid Metals

Compact, Rigid shape

All metals



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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo