Explain the following giving examples.

  1. saturated solution
  2. pure substance
  3. colloid
  4. suspension


(a) Saturated Solution - A solution in which no more solute can be dissolved without raising temperature is called saturated solution.

For example, 36g of salt in 100g of water.


(b) Pure substance - The substances that are made up of only one type of particles are called pure substances. For example-Salt, Oxygen, Water.


(c) Colloid - A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture in which the size of solute particles lies between the size of particles of a solution and suspension and which shows tyndall effect. For example- Milk, Blood


(d) Suspension - It is a heterogeneous mixture of small particles of solid in liquid. These particles do not dissolve in the liquid and are visible by the naked eye.


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo