Ex 6.1, 3 - Verify by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of

Ex 6.1, 3 - Chapter 6 Class 7 Triangle and its Properties - Part 2
Ex 6.1, 3 - Chapter 6 Class 7 Triangle and its Properties - Part 3
Ex 6.1, 3 - Chapter 6 Class 7 Triangle and its Properties - Part 4
Ex 6.1, 3 - Chapter 6 Class 7 Triangle and its Properties - Part 5

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Ex 6.1, 3 Verify by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same.First, Let’s construct an isosceles triangle ABC of base BC = 6 cm and equal sides AB = AC = 8 cm Steps of construction 1. Draw line BC = 6 cm 2. We need to make AB and BC as 8 cm. Taking B as center, and opening compass to 8 cm, we draw an arc. Now, taking C as center, opening compass to 8 cm, we draw another arc 3. Where both arcs intersect is point A Join AB and AC Now, We know that Mid point of BC is at 3 cm. Let’s call it D. Hence, AD is the median of isosceles ∆ABC Now, When we measure ∠ADC by a protector the angle is 90° Which means AD ⊥ BC ∴ AD is median and altitude of isosceles ∆ABC

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo