English Course for Job and interview
Email Skills

No Subject

  • Subject tells a Person what an email is about before opening an email
  • Subject should be 'to the point' and such that it invites the receiver to open the mail

File Attached not of Proper Name

  • File should be such that it should have correct name
  • Resume/CV look better if they are in pdf rather than word
  • It should not have unnecessary symbols

Wrong Spelling

  • Spelling mistakes should be avoided by doing spellcheck before sending an email
  • This can be done by removing words with red lines

Name in Small Letters

  • All names of person and company should be in Capital letters as these are proper noun
  • Learn more about proper noun here

No Contact Details/Signature below name

  • How will a person you mail will be able to reach you if you do not share your Mobile No/Contact Details
  • You can make signature here

Not knowing what to write in English

  • For your help,we have prepared drafts of Important emails.
  • You can download them and copy paste them in your email

Sender Name and Email id not Proper

  • While making email id ,enter your proper name and not your nickname or any unprofessional nmae
  • Your name should not start with small letters

Mistake in Email

wrong email image 2 2.jpg

Correct Email

Correct email image 2.jpg


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CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.