Chat User - Anjali's image in Conversation - Meeting at the Venue


हे (हाय )

Chat User - Abhishek's image in Conversation - Meeting at the Venue


हाय (हे )

Chat User - Anjali's image in Conversation - Meeting at the Venue

So what's the plan?

सो व्हट्स द प्लैन ? (तो क्या प्लान हैं ?)

Chat User - Abhishek's image in Conversation - Meeting at the Venue

I need to buy a Three Piece Suit for the reception

आई नीड टू बाय ए थ्री पीस सूट फॉर द रिसेप्शन (मुझे 3 पिस सूट चाहिए रिसेप्शन के लिए। )

Chat User - Anjali's image in Conversation - Meeting at the Venue

You should try Groom Studio

यू शूड ट्रॉय ग्रूम स्टूडियो (तुम ग्रूम स्टूडियो में ट्रॉय करो )

Chat User - Abhishek's image in Conversation - Meeting at the Venue

But isn't it very expensive?

बट इसंट इट वैरी एक्सपेंसिव (पर वो बहुत महंगा हैं ?)

Chat User - Anjali's image in Conversation - Meeting at the Venue

It is...but we will bargain. Dont worry

इट इस ... बट वी विल बारगेन। डोंट वरी (है तो ... पर हम मोल भाव कर लेंगे। तुम चिंता मत करो।)


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CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.