Political Science
Chapter 2 Class 6 Political Science - All Human Beings Are Equal

Lower castes are also referred to as _____.

A. Dalits

B. Sudras

C. Vaishyas

D. Kshatriyas



Answer by Student

So, the correct answer is (A): Dalits

Detailed Explanation by Teachoo

Indian Caste Hierarchy - Teachoo.png

Let’s check all the options

  • Option (A) Dalits - Dalits are the people who belong to the lowest caste in India, also known as untouchables or Scheduled Castes. They are considered to be outside the four-fold varna system of Hinduism and face discrimination, oppression and violence from the upper castes. They are often denied access to education, employment, land, temples, water sources and other basic amenities. They perform the most menial and degrading jobs such as manual scavenging, leather work, cleaning, etc. The term Dalit means “broken” or “oppressed” in Sanskrit and was popularized by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a Dalit leader and the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. Dalits have been fighting for their rights and dignity for centuries and have formed various social movements, political parties and cultural expressions. So, this is correct

  • Option (B) Sudras - Sudras are the fourth and lowest varna or class in the Hindu caste system. They are considered to be the descendants of the feet of Purusha, the cosmic man, according to the Rig Veda. They are mainly composed of artisans, laborers, farmers and low-level servants. They are expected to serve the upper three varnas of Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors) and Vaishyas (merchants). They are not allowed to study the Vedas or perform any rituals. They have limited rights and opportunities in society. However, they are not considered as untouchables or outcastes like the Dalits. They are still part of the Hindu social order and can have some interactions with the upper castes. So, this is incorrect .

  • Option (C) Vaishyas - Vaishyas are the third varna or class in the Hindu caste system. They are considered to be the descendants of the thighs of Purusha, the cosmic man, according to the Rig Veda. They are mainly composed of merchants, traders, farmers, bankers and artisans. They are responsible for producing wealth and goods for society. They can study the Vedas and perform some rituals, but not as much as the Brahmins or Kshatriyas. They have more rights and privileges than the Sudras or Dalits. They are not considered as lower castes or untouchables. So, this is incorrect

  • Option (D) Kshatriyas - Kshatriyas are the second varna or class in the Hindu caste system. They are considered to be the descendants of the arms of Purusha, the cosmic man, according to the Rig Veda. They are mainly composed of warriors, rulers, kings and nobles. They are responsible for protecting society and maintaining law and order. They can study the Vedas and perform many rituals, but not as much as the Brahmins. They have high status and power in society. They are not considered as lower castes or untouchables. So, this is incorrect .

Thus, option (A) is correct

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Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo