Chapter 2 Class 6 Geography - Latitudes and Longitudes

The North Pole is always points towards  which star?



Answer by Student

  • The North Pole is always pointing towards the star called Polaris .
  • Polaris is also known as the North Star or the Pole Star .

Detailed Explanation by Teachoo

  • The North Pole is always pointing towards the star called Polaris because of how the Earth spins. The Earth spins like a top around an imaginary line that goes through its middle from top to bottom. This line is called the axis . The Earth spins around its axis once every day , which makes it day and night. When the Earth spins, the North Pole always points in the same direction in space, towards a spot in the sky where there is a bright star. This star is called Polaris, and it is very far away from us. Polaris is in a group of stars that looks like a small spoon, called the Little Dipper . Because of this, the North Pole is always pointing towards Polaris, no matter where the Earth is around the sun.
  • Polaris is also known as the North Star or the Pole Star because it is a very helpful star for finding your way and knowing where you are in the northern half of the world. Polaris does not move much in the sky, while other stars seem to go around it. This is because Polaris is very close to the spot in the sky where the Earth’s axis points in space.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.