Read the extract and answer the following questions.


‘‘O wise prophets! It was I who spoke.’’ This time there were no grounds for doubt. It was the infant born just ten days ago who had enunciated the words so clearly. The chief astrologer took off his spectacles and gazed intently at the baby. ‘‘All those who are born will one day have to die. We don’t need your predictions to know that. There would be some sense in it if you could tell us the manner of that death,’’ the royal infant uttered these words in his little squeaky voice.

(The Tiger King)

The Tiger King - Extract Based Questions (3) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

What is the name of the royal infant who spoke in the extract?


Answer as written by the student:

The name of the royal infant who spoke in the extract is the Tiger King.

   Step-by-step explanation:

  •      To answer this question, we need to recall the previous extract and the title of the story. In the previous extract, we learned that the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram was also known as the Tiger King. He was given this nickname because he was born under a star that made him a great warrior and hunter of tigers. He was also destined to die by a tiger.
  •      In this extract, we see that the royal infant who spoke to the astrologers was the same person as the Tiger King. He was born just ten days ago and he had a very long and complicated name that was shortened to the Tiger King. He also challenged the astrologers' predictions and asked them to tell him how he would die.🐯

Question (ii)

How do the astrologers react when they hear the infant speak? 

  1.    They are amazed and delighted 
  2.    They are scared and confused 
  3.   They are angry and offended 
  4.     They are amused and entertained


Answer as written by the student:

(b) They are scared and confused

   Step-by-step explanation:

  •      To answer this question, we need to look at the clues in the extract that show how the astrologers feel and act when they hear the infant speak. We can also use our common sense and imagination to think about how we would react in a similar situation.
  •      The extract tells us that this was the second time that the infant spoke to them. The first time, they were not sure if it was him or someone else who spoke . But this time, there were no grounds for doubt. It was clearly the infant who had enunciated the words so clearly. This means that they were surprised and shocked by this unusual event.
  •      The extract also tells us that the chief astrologer took off his spectacles and gazed intently at the baby. This shows that h e was trying to verify what he heard and saw with his own eyes. He was probably wondering how it was possible for a tendayold baby to speak so clearly and intelligently. He was also curious about what the baby had to say.
  • The best option that matches these clues is B. They were scared and confused. This shows that they were afraid of something supernatural or unnatural happening, and they did not understand how or why it happened.😱

Question (iii)

 What literary device is used by the narrator when he describes the infant's voice as "little squeaky"?


Answer as written by the student:

 The literary device used by the narrator when he describes the infant's voice as "little squeaky" is contrast.

   Step-by-step explanation:

  •      To answer this question, we need to know what a literary device is and what contrast means. A literary device is a technique that a writer uses to create a special effect or convey a message in their writing. Contrast is a type of literary device that shows the difference between two things or people.
  •      The narrator uses contrast when he describes the infant's voice as "little squeaky" . He does this to show how different his voice is from his words and actions. His voice is small and highpitched, like a typical baby's voice. But his words and actions are clear and bold, like an adult's words and actions. He speaks to the astrologers with confidence and authority, and he questions their predictions with logic and reason.
  •      This contrast creates a humorous and ironic effect in the extract. It makes the reader laugh or smile at the absurdity of the situation, and it also makes the reader curious about how the infant became so smart and brave.😆

Question (iv)

How does the infant challenge the astrologers' predictions in the extract?


Answer as written by the student:

The infant challenges the astrologers' predictions in the extract by stating a common fact and asking a specific question.

   Step-by-step explanation:

  •      To answer this question, we need to analyze what the infant says and how he says it. We can also compare his words with the astrologers' words and see how they differ.
  •      The infant challenges the astrologers' predictions by stating a common fact and asking a specific question. He says "All those who are born will one day have to die. We don’t need your predictions to know that." This is a common fact that everyone knows and accepts. He implies that the astrologers' predictions are not very useful or accurate, because they only tell him something that he already knows. He also asks "There would be some sense in it if you could tell us the manner of that death." This is a specific question that he wants to know the answer to. He implies that the astrologers' predictions are not very helpful or relevant, unless they can tell him how he will die.
  •      By saying these words, he challenges the astrologers' predictions and shows that he is not satisfied or impressed by them. He also shows that he is curious and intelligent, and that he wants to know more about his fate.😎
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo