Read the extract and answer the following questions.


The manner of his death is a matter of extraordinary interest. It can be revealed only at the end of the tale. The most fantastic aspect of his demise was that as soon as he was born, astrologers had foretold that one day the Tiger King would actually have to die. “The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions. But...” they bit their lips and swallowed hard. When compelled to continue, the astrologers came out with it. “This is a secret which should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced to speak out. The child born under this star will one day have to meet its death.”

(The Tiger King)

The Tiger King - Extract Based Questions (2) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

Why does the narrator say that the manner of the Tiger King's death can be revealed only at the end of the tale?


Answer as written by the student:

The narrator says that the manner of the Tiger King's death can be revealed only at the end of the tale because he wants to create suspense and interest in the story and make the reader curious about how and why the Tiger King died.

  Step-by-step explanation:

  •     To answer this question, we need to think about why a writer would choose to withhold some information until the end of a story. One possible reason is that they want to create suspense and interest in the story and make the reader curious about what will happen next. This is a technique that can make a story more engaging and exciting for the reader.
  •      The narrator uses this technique when he says that the manner of the Tiger King's death can be revealed only at the end of the tale. He does not tell us how he died or what caused his death, but he hints that it was something extraordinary and fantastic. This makes us wonder how and why the Tiger King died, and what his fate had to do with his birth and his name.😮

Question (ii)

What is the meaning of "fantastic" in the phrase "the most fantastic aspect of his demise"? 

  1.    Imaginative or fanciful 
  2.    Extremely good or impressive 
  3.    Based on fantasy or illusion 
  4.    Strange or bizarre


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo