English Class 12
Flamingo - Poems (Literature)

Read the given extract and answer the questions


When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie

Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.

The tigers in the panel that she made

Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.

(Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers)

Aunt Jennifer's Tiger- Extract based questions (2) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

What is the paradox that the speaker employs in the first line of the extract?

  •    A) The juxtaposition of death and life
  •   B) The contrast between terrified and still
  •   C) The combination of aunt and dead
  •    D) The opposition of hands and lie


   Answer written by student:

(B) The contrast between terrified and still

   Step-by-step explanation:

  •     To answer this question, we need to identify the paradox that the speaker employs in the first line of the extract.
  • A paradox is a figure of speech that involves a statement or situation that seems contradictory or absurd, but actually reveals a deeper truth or meaning. A paradox can be used to challenge or provoke the reader or listener to think differently or critically about something.
  •     In this extract, the speaker employs a paradox in the first line, which reads "When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie". Here, the speaker contrasts two words that seem incompatible: terrified and still.
  • Terrified is an adjective that describes a state of extreme fear or anxiety. Still is an adjective that describes a state of calmness or motionlessness.
  • However, by using this paradox, the speaker implies that Aunt Jennifer's hands will remain terrified even after her death, because of the trauma and oppression that she endured in her life. This paradox also shows how Aunt Jennifer's hands are a symbol of her suffering and struggle, as they are marked by the wedding ring that represents her unhappy marriage.😨

Question (ii)

What is the symbolism that the speaker utilizes in the second line of the extract?

  •     A) The wedding ring as a symbol of love and commitment
  •     B) The ordeals as a symbol of challenges and hardships
  •     C) The mastery as a symbol of skill and expertise
  •     D) None of the above


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CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo