Read the extract and answer the following questions.

Extract :

When he had been a bit younger, he had imagined that his father was making fun of him when he tried to give him lessons in flying. They had taken him out several times, and all they did was to stand on a little jutting rock, near their nest, and say that all he had to do was to flap his wings and jump into the air. But each time he had tried, they had yelled at him and made him return to the nest.

   (Two Stories About Flying)

Two Stories About Flying - Extract Based Question (2) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

 Which of the following best describes the young seagull's perception of his father's attempts to teach him to fly?

  • a) Encouraging and motivating
  • b) Dismissive and mocking
  • c) Supportive and patient
  • d) Strict and demanding


Answer written by the student:

b) Dismissive and mocking

Step-by-Step explanation:

  •  The young seagull thought his father was making fun of him during flying lessons.
  •  This perception indicates that he felt his father's attempts were not supportive.
  •  So, the correct answer is πŸ…±οΈ Dismissive and mocking, as it describes the seagull's perception of his father's teaching attempts.

Question (ii)

State True or False

The young seagull's parents took him out for flying lessons only once.


Answer written by the student:


Step-by-Step explanation:

  • The extract mentions that the parents took the young seagull out several times for flying lessons.
  •  So, the statement is ❌False because they took him out more than once.

Question (iii)

What did the young seagull's parents do during the flying lessons?


Answer written by the student:

During the flying lessons, the young seagull's parents stood on a little jutting rock and told him to flap his wings and jump into the air.

Step-by-Step explanation:

  • The parents took the young seagull to a jutting rock near their nest.
  •  They instructed him to flap his wings and jump into the air.
  •  So, during the flying lessons, the parents 🐦🐦 provided guidance and instructions for the young seagull.

Question (iv) 

What can be inferred about the young seagull's relationship with his parents based on this extract?


Answer written by the student:

The young seagull's relationship with his parents can be inferred as strained due to his perception of their teaching attempts as dismissive and mocking, and their apparent lack of patience with his fear of flying.

Step-by-Step explanation:

  • The young seagull felt his father was making fun of him during flying lessons.
  •  The parents took him out several times but seemed to lack patience with his fear.
  •  We can infer that the seagull's relationship with his parents was πŸ˜• strained due to these challenges.
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo