Read the given extract and answer the questions
'But I can get a hair-dye
And set such colour there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair.'
(For Anne Gregory )
Question (i)
What is the speaker's purpose in saying these lines?
- a) To persuade Anne Gregory to change her hair color
- b) To mock Anne Gregory's vanity and insecurity
- c) To comfort Anne Gregory's loneliness and sadness
- d) To compliment Anne Gregory's beauty and charm
Answer written by the student:
b) To mock Anne Gregory's vanity and insecurity
Step-by-Step explanation:
- The speaker's purpose is the reason or goal he or she has in saying something.
- To identify the speaker's purpose, we need to look at the words and tone he or she uses in the extract.
- To persuade is to convince someone to do or believe something.
- To mock is to make fun of someone or something in a cruel or sarcastic way.
- To comfort is to make someone feel better or less worried.
- To compliment is to praise someone or something for a positive quality or feature.
- In the extract, the speaker's purpose is to mock Anne Gregory's vanity and insecurity. He or she uses words and tone that make fun of Anne Gregory's idea of changing her hair color. He or she uses quotation marks to show that he or she is repeating Anne Gregory's words in a sarcastic way. He or she also uses words like "but" and "may" to show doubt and disbelief in Anne Gregory's plan.😂
Question (ii)
What does the word "carrot" mean in the extract?
Answer :
Answer written by the student:
The word "carrot" means a bright orange color.
Step-by-Step explanation:
- The word "carrot" is a noun that means a root vegetable that is usually orange in color.
- In the extract, the word "carrot" is used to mean a bright orange color. It is one of the possible hair colors that Anne Gregory mentions. The word "carrot" also creates a contrast with her natural yellow hair.🥕
Question (iii)
How does the speaker use alliteration in the extract?
Answer written by the student:
The speaker uses alliteration in the extract b y using words that have the same sound at the beginning of syllables. The speaker uses words like "can", "colour", "carrot", and "despair" to create a sound effect of repetition and rhythm. These words also help to emphasize the speaker's mockery and irony.
Step-by-Step explanation:
- Alliteration is a literary device that uses words that have the same sound at the beginning of syllables in poetry.
- To identify alliteration, we need to look for words that have the same consonant sound or vowel sound at the beginning of syllables.
- In the extract, the speaker uses alliteration by using words that have the same sound at the beginning of syllables.
- The speaker uses words like "can", "colour", "carrot", and "despair" to create a sound effect of repetition and rhythm. These words have the same /k/ sound or /d/ sound at the beginning of syllables.🎵
- These words also help to emphasize the speaker's mockery and irony. They show how the speaker repeats Anne Gregory's words in a sarcastic way and doubts her ability to find true love by changing her hair color.😏
Question (iv)
What is the tone of the speaker in these lines?
- a) Humorous
- b) Serious
- c) Angry
- d) Sad
Answer written by the student:
a) Humorous
Step-by-Step explanation:
- The tone of the speaker is the attitude or emotion he or she expresses in the words he or she uses.
- To identify the tone of the speaker, we need to look at the words and punctuation he or she uses in the extract.
- Humorous is a tone that shows amusement or funniness in something or someone.
- Serious is a tone that shows importance or gravity in something or someone.
- Angry is a tone that shows displeasure or annoyance in something or someone.
- Sad is a tone that shows sorrow or unhappiness in something or someone.
- In the extract, the tone of the speaker is humorous. He or she uses words and punctuation that show amusement or funniness in Anne Gregory’s idea of changing her hair color. He or she uses quotation marks to show that he or she is repeating Anne Gregory’s words in a joking way. He or she also uses words like “but” and “may” to show doubt and disbelief in Anne Gregory’s plan.😂