English Class 10
First Flight - Poems (Literature)

Read the given extract and answer the questions


'Never shall a young man,

Thrown into despair

By those great honey-coloured

Ramparts at your ear,

Love you for yourself alone

And not your yellow hair.'

(For Anne Gregory )

For Anne Gregory - Extract Based Question - Teachoo.png


 What is the speaker's attitude towards Anne Gregory in the extract? 

  • a) Admiration
  • b) Sympathy
  • c) Cynicism
  • d) Envy


 Answer written by the student:

c) Cynicism

Step-by-Step explanation:

  •  The speaker's attitude is the way he or she feels or thinks about something or someone.
  •  To identify the speaker's attitude, we need to look at the words and tone he or she uses in the extract.
  •  Admiration is a feeling of respect or approval for something or someone.
  •  Sympathy is a feeling of pity or sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
  •   Cynicism is a feeling of distrust or contempt for human nature or motives.
  •  Envy is a feeling of discontent or resentment for someone else's possessions or qualities.
  •  In the extract, the speaker's attitude towards Anne Gregory is cynicism. He or she uses words and tone that show distrust or contempt for human nature or motives. He or she tells Anne Gregory that no young man will ever love her for herself alone and not her yellow hair. He or she implies that young men are superficial and only care about appearance. He or she also uses quotation marks to show that he or she is mocking Anne Gregory's words.😒

Question (ii)

 What does the word "ramparts" mean in the extract? 


 Answer written by the student:

The word "ramparts" means defensive walls or barriers.

Step-by-Step explanation:

  •  The word "ramparts" is a noun that means defensive walls or barriers.
  •  In the extract, the word "ramparts" is used to describe Anne Gregory's ears. The speaker compares her ears to great honey-coloured walls that block young men from loving her for herself alone. The word "ramparts" also creates a sound effect of harshness or hardness, which contrasts with the softness of her hair.👂

Question (iii)

 How does the speaker use rhyme in the extract? 


 Answer written by the student:

The speaker uses rhyme in the extract by using words that have the same sound at the end of lines. The speaker uses words like "man", "despair", "ear", and "hair" to create a rhyme scheme of ABABCC. The rhyme scheme means that lines 1 and 3 rhyme with each other, lines 2 and 4 rhyme with each other, and lines 5 and 6 rhyme with each other.

Step-by-Step explanation:

  •  Rhyme is a literary device that uses words that have the same sound at the end of lines in poetry.
  •  To identify rhyme, we need to label each line with a letter that corresponds to its sound. Lines that rhyme with each other have the same letter.
  •  In the extract, the speaker uses rhyme by using words that have the same sound at the end of lines.
  •  The speaker uses words like "man", "despair", "ear", and "hair" to create a rhyme scheme of ABABCC. The rhyme scheme means that lines 1 and 3 rhyme with each other, lines 2 and 4 rhyme with each other, and lines 5 and 6 rhyme with each other.🎵

Question (iv)

Find a synonym for the word that is missing in the extract:

Never shall a young man,

Thrown into _____

By those great honey-coloured

Ramparts at your ear,


 Answer written by the student:

A synonym for the word that is missing in the extract is sorrow .

Step-by-Step explanation:

  •  To find a synonym for the word that is missing in the extract, we need to look for a word that has the same or similar meaning as the word that is missing.
  •  A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning as another word.
  •   The word that is missing in the extract is despair. The word despair means a feeling of hopelessness or loss of confidence.
  •  A synonym for the word despair is sorrow. The word sorrow means a feeling of sadness or grief.🥺
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo