English Class 9
Beehive - Poems (Literature)

Read the given extract and answer the questions


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

(The Road not taken)

The Road not taken- Extract Based Question- Teachoo.png

Question (i)

What does the word 'diverged' mean in the first line?

  • A) Split
  • B) Joined
  • C) Ended
  • D) Curved


   Answer written by student:

A) Split

Step-by-Step explanation: 📝

  • To find the meaning of a word in a poem, we can use context clues, synonyms, antonyms or a dictionary.
  • In this case, we can use context clues to figure out what 'diverged' means . Context clues are words or phrases that give hints about the meaning of an unknown word.
  • The context clue for ' diverged' is 'in a yellow wood '. This tells us that the word is related to something that happens in a forest or a natural setting.
  • We can also use synonyms or words that have similar meanings to guess what 'diverged' means. Some synonyms for 'diverged' are 'separated', 'branched', 'parted' or 'split'.
  •  We can also use antonyms or words that have opposite meanings to eliminate some options. Some antonyms for 'diverged' are 'converged', 'joined', 'met' or 'merged'.
  • Using these strategies, we can eliminate options B, C and D as they do not match the context clue or the synonyms for 'diverged'. The only option left is A) Split, which means to divide into two or more parts.
  • Therefore, the word 'diverged' means split in the first line of the poem.

Question (ii)

Why was the speaker sorry that he could not travel both roads?


   Answer written by student:

The speaker was sorry that he could not travel both roads because he wanted to explore both possibilities and see what each road had to offer.

Step-by-Step explanation: 📝

  •  To answer this question, we need to understand the speaker's feelings and motivations in the poem.
  • The speaker is faced with a choice between two roads that diverge in a yellow wood. He has to decide which road to take and which road to leave behind.
  •  The s peaker is curious and adventurous, as he wants to see what lies beyond each road. He says he looked down one road as far as he could to where it bent in the undergrowth. This shows that he was interested in finding out more about that road.
  •  However, he also realizes that he cannot travel both roads and be one traveler. He has to make a choice and stick with it. He cannot go back and change his mind later.
  •  This makes him feel sorry and regretful , as he wonders what he might miss out on if he chooses one road over the other. He says he could not travel both roads and be one traveler, which implies that he wishes he could do so.
  •  Therefore, the speaker was s orry that he could not travel both road s because he wanted to explore both possibilities and see what each road had to offer.

Question (iii)

What does the phrase 'as far as I could' suggest about the speaker's perspective?


   Answer written by student:

The phrase 'as far as I could' suggests that th e speaker's perspective was limited and uncertain.

Step-by-Step explanation: 📝

  •  To answer this question, we need to analyze the phrase 'as far as I could' and how it relates to the speaker's perspective.
  •  A perspective is a way of looking at something or a point of view. It can be influenced by many factors, such as knowledge, experience, emotions or expectations.
  •  The phrase 'as far as I could' implies that the speaker had some limitations or constraints in his perspective. He could not see beyond a certain point or distance. He could not see the whole picture or the outcome of his choice.
  •  This suggests that the speaker's perspective wa s limited by his lack of information or knowledge about the roads. He did not know what each road would lead to or what challenges or opportunities they would present. He had to rely on his intuition or guesswork to make a decision.
  •  The phrase 'as far as I could' also implies that t he speaker was uncertain or hesitant about his choice . He did not have a clear or confident vision of what he wanted or where he was going. He had doubts and questions about his future. He was not sure if he was making the right choice or if he would regret it later.
  •  Therefore, the phrase 'as far as I could' suggests that the speaker's perspective was limited and uncertain.

Question (iv)

Fill in the blank with the correct word from the options given below:

The speaker stood for a long time at the fork in the road, _________ which one to take.

  • A) contemplating
  • B) wondering
  • C) deciding
  • D) regretting


   Answer written by student:

B) wondering

Step-by-Step explanation: 📝

  •  To answer this question, we need to find the word that best fits the blank and matches the meaning and tone of the poem.
  •  We can use clues from the poem, such as rhyme, rhythm, mood and theme, to help us choose the right word.
  •  The word that we choose should rhyme with the last word of the previous line, which is 'take' . This is because the poem follows an ABAAB rhyme scheme , where the first, third and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme with each other.
  •  The word that we choose should also have the same number of syllables and stress as the last word of the previous line, which is 'take'. This is because the poem follows an iambic tetrameter rhythm, where each line has four pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables.
  •  The word that we choose should also match the mood and theme of the poem, which are about choice, uncertainty and regret. The word should convey the speaker's feelings and thoughts as he faces a dilemma.
  •  Using these clues, we can eliminate options A, C and D as they do not rhyme with 'take', have different syllables and stress patterns, or do not match the mood and theme of the poem. The only option left is B) wondering, which means to think about something with curiosity or doubt.
  •  Therefore, the word that fits the blank is wondering.
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo