State any three advantages of computerized accounting system.


Advantages of Computarized Accounting Systems :-

(a) LARGE VOLUME OF TRANSACTIONS - In the present- day business environment,

the transactions of a business are normally large in volume. The computerised accounting system can store and process such voluminous transactions with speed and accuracy.


(b) TIMELY REPORTING - Availability of reports on time enables the management to take quick decisions, which is an important element for the successs of an enterprise.


(c) LESS PAPER WORK - Under the computerised process, there is less paper work as compared to the paper work in the manual process.


State any three advantages of computerized accounting system. Answer Advantages of Computarized Accounting Systems :- (a) LARGE VOLUME OF TRANSACTIONS - In the present- day business environment, the transactions of a business are normally large in volume. The computerised accounting system can store and process such voluminous transactions with speed and accuracy. (b) TIMELY REPORTING - Availability of reports on time enables the management to take quick decisions, which is an important element for the successs of an enterprise. (c) LESS PAPER WORK - Under the computerised process, there is less paper work as compared to the paper work in the manual process.

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo