Chapter 3 Class 9 Coordinate Geometry
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Ex 3.1, 2 (Street Plan): A city has two main roads which cross each other at the centre of the city. These two roads are along the North-South direction and East-West direction. All the other streets of the city run parallel to these roads and are 200 m apart. There are about 5 streets in each direction. Using 1 cm = 100 m, draw a model of the city on your notebook Represent the roads/streets by single lines. There are many cross-streets in your model. A particular cross-street is made by two streets, one running in the North-South direction and another in the East-West direction. Each cross street is referred to in the following manner: If the 2nd street running in the North-South direction and 5th in the East-West direction meet at some crossing, then we will call this cross-street (2, 5). Using this convention, find: (i) How many cross - streets can be referred to as (4, 3). (ii) How many cross - streets can be referred to as (3, 4). Cross street (2,5) (3,4) & (4,3) are marked One cross street is referred to (3,4) & one cross street is referred to (4,3) Hence, they are uniquely found.

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo