Chapter 3 Class 7 Data Handling
Serial order wise

Ex 3.3, 4 - The performance of a student in 1st Term and 2nd Term

Ex 3.3, 4 - Chapter 3 Class 7 Data Handling - Part 2
Ex 3.3, 4 - Chapter 3 Class 7 Data Handling - Part 3
Ex 3.3, 4 - Chapter 3 Class 7 Data Handling - Part 4
Ex 3.3, 4 - Chapter 3 Class 7 Data Handling - Part 5

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Ex 3.3, 4 The performance of a student in 1st Term and 2nd Term is given. Draw a double bar graph choosing appropriate scale and answer the following: Since marks are from 65 to 95 We draw bar graph from 0 to 100 with a gap of 10 (i) In which subject, has the child improved his performance the most? (ii) In which subject is the improvement the least? Let’s check difference in performance of all subjects Improvement in English Improvement in Hindi Improvement in Math’s Improvement in Science Improvement in S.Science So, improvement is most in Maths We also need to find least improvement Since we are talking about improvement, we do not count the marks that have gone down So, improvement is least in S.Science (iii) Has the performance gone down in any subject? Performance in Hindi has gone down

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo