Read the extract and answer the following questions.


The corridor I was in began angling left and slanting downward and I thought that was wrong, but I kept on walking. All I could hear was the empty sound of my own footsteps and I didn’t pass a soul. Then I heard that sort of hollow roar ahead that means open space and people talking. The tunnel turned sharp left; I went down a short flight of stairs and came out on the third level at Grand Central Station. For just a moment I thought I was back on the second level, but I saw the room was smaller, there were fewer ticket windows and train gates, and the information booth in the centre was wood and oldlooking.

(The Third Level)

The Third Level - Extract Based Question (3) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

True/False Question:

 The narrator was looking for the third level when he entered the tunnel. 


Answer as written by the student:


Step-by-step explanation: 🚫

  • To answer this question, we need to find the detail in the text that confirms or contradicts the statement.
  •  The detail that contradicts the statement is in the first sentence of the extract: "I turned into Grand Central from Vanderbilt Avenue". This shows that the narrator was not looking for the third level, but was heading for the subway . 🚇
  •  Therefore, the answer to this question is false. ❌

Question (ii)

What is one difference between the third level and the second level of Grand Central Station in the extract?

  1. The third level has more ticket windows and train gates than the second level.
  2. The third level has a metal and modern-looking information booth, while the second level has a wood and old-looking one.
  3. The third level has fewer people and more noise than the second level.
  4. The third level has a smaller room and a wood and old-looking information booth, while the second level has a larger room and a metal and modern-looking one.


Answer as written by the student:

(d) The third level has a smaller room and a wood and old-looking information booth, while the second level has a larger room and a metal and modern-looking one.

Step-by-step explanation: 🔍

  •  To answer this question, we need to compare and contrast the features or characteristics of the third level and the second level of Grand Central Station in the extract.
  •  To compare and contrast, we need to look for similarities and differences between them.
  •   One difference between them is their size. The extract tells us that "I saw the room was smaller" on the third level, which implies that it was larger on the second level. 📏
  •   Another difference between them is their appearance. The extract tells us that "the information booth in the centre was wood and old-looking" on the third level, which implies that it was metal and modern-looking on the second level. 🕰️
  •  Therefore, we can infer that one difference between the third level and the second level of Grand Central Station in the extract is that the third level has a smaller room and a wood and old-looking information booth, while the second level has a larger room and a metal and modern-looking one. 🆚

Question (iii)

What does the hollow roar ahead that means open space and people talking suggest about the narrator's situation in the extract?


Answer as written by the student:

The hollow roar ahead that means open space and people talking suggests that the narrator's situation in the extract is isolated and unfamiliar.

Step-by-step explanation: 😕

  • To answer this question, we need to understand what the text implies or suggests about how the narrator feels or thinks about his situation in the extract.
  •  To understand what the text implies or suggests, we need to look for clues or hints in the words or phrases that show his emotions or thoughts.
  •  One clue that shows his situation is isolated is his use of words like "empty", "alone", "didn't pass a soul". These words suggest that he is alone and separated from other people in his journey through the tunnel. 😔
  •  Another clue that shows his situation is unfamiliar is his use of words like "wrong", "lost", "thought". These words suggest that he is confused and uncertain about where he is going or what he is doing in his journey through the tunnel. 😵
  •  Therefore, we can infer that the hollow roar ahead that means open space and people talking suggests that his situation in the extract is isolated and unfamiliar. 😟

Question (iv)

Fill in the blanks Question:

The narrator heard a _______ roar ahead that means open space and people talking. 


Answer as written by the student:


Step-by-step explanation: 🔊

  • To answer this question, we need to find the specific detail in the text that tells us what kind of roar the narrator heard.
  • The detail that tells us what kind of roar the narrator heard is in the fourth sentence of the extract: “Then I heard that sort of hollow roar ahead” . This shows that the roar was hollow, which means empty or echoing. 🗣️
  • Therefore, the answer to this question is hollow. 🕳️
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo