English Class 11
Hornbill - Poems (Literature)

Read the given extract and answer the questions


She enters the thickness, and a machine starts up

 Of chitterings, and a tremor of wings, and trillings

 — The whole tree trembles and thrills

(The Laburnum Top )

The Laburnum Top - Extract Based Question (3) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

What does the use of the word “machine” suggest in the first line of the extract?


 As written by the student:

The use of the word "machine" suggests that the goldfinch and her family are like a mechanical device that produces noise and movement in the tree.

 Step-by-step explanation of the answer: 📝

  •    The word "machine" is a noun that means a device that uses power to perform a particular task or function.🔧
  •    In the extract, the poet uses the word "machine" to describe the goldfinch and her family as they enter the tree and start making sounds and vibrations.🐦
  •    This is an example of a metaphor, which is a figure of speech that compares two things that are not alike in most ways, but have some quality in common.🌟
  •    The poet uses this metaphor to show how the goldfinch and her family transform the silent and still tree into a lively and noisy place.🌳
  •    The word "machine" also implies that the goldfinch and her family are efficient, powerful, and coordinated in their actions.💪

Question (ii)

What is the rhyme scheme of the extract?


 As written by the student:

The rhyme scheme of the extract is ABCB.

   Step-by-step explanation of the answer: 📝

  •     The rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that ends each line of a poem.🎵
  •      To identify the rhyme scheme, we assign a letter to each sound at the end of a line. If two lines have the same sound, they get the same letter. If they have different sounds, they get different letters.🔤
  •      In the extract, the first line ends with "up", the second line ends with "ings", the third line ends with "ills", and the fourth line ends with "ings".👂
  •      Therefore, the rhyme scheme is ABCB, because the first and third lines have different sounds, and the second and fourth lines have the same sound.✅

Question (iii)

Select the option that is NOT true about the lack of punctuation at the end of line 1 in the extract.

  • a) It creates a sense of continuity and movement
  • b) It reflects the suddenness and abruptness of the goldfinch's arrival
  • c) It shows the contrast between the silence and the noise
  • d) It indicates a pause or a break in the action


 As written by the student:

The option that is NOT true is d) It indicates a pause or a break in the action.

   Step-by-step explanation of the answer: 📝

  •       Punctuation is the use of marks such as commas, periods, and dashes to separate sentences and parts of sentences.📍
  •      In the extract, the poet does not use any punctuation at the end of line 1, which means that the sentence continues to line 2 without a pause.🚫
  •      This creates a sense of continuity and movement, as the goldfinch enters the tree and starts up a machine of sounds. This is option a), which is true.✅
  •       It also reflects the suddenness and abruptness of the goldfinch's arrival, as there is no warning or preparation for her appearance. This is option b), which is true.✅
  •      It also shows the contrast between the silence and the noise, as the previous lines describe the laburnum top as silent and still, while the following lines describe it as full of chitterings and trillings. This is option c), which is true.✅
  •      However, it does not indicate a pause or a break in the action, as there is no stop or interruption in the flo of wordsw and events. This is option d), which is NOT true.❌

Question (iv)

Complete the sentence:

The whole tree trembles and thrills because ___________.


 As written by the student:

 The whole tree trembles and thrills because of the goldfinch and her family's chitterings, tremor of wings, and trillings.

  Step-by-step explanation of the answer: 📝

  •      To complete the sentence, we need to fill in the blank with a word or phrase that explains why the tree trembles and thrills.🔎
  •      In the extract, the poet describes the sounds and movements that the goldfinch and her family make in the tree. These are chitterings, which are short and sharp sounds; tremor of wings, which are vibrations caused by flapping; and trillings, which are high-pitched musical sounds.🎶
  •      These sounds and movements cause the whole tree to shake and feel excited, as if it is alive and responsive to the goldfinch and her family.🌲
  •      Therefore, the word or phrase that fits in the blank is "of the goldfinch and her family's chitterings, tremor of wings, and trillings".✔️

Question (v)

State True or false

The goldfinch is described as sleek, alert, and abrupt in the extract.


 As written by the student:

 True, the goldfinch is described as sleek, alert, and abrupt in the extract.

  Step-by-step explanation of the answer: 📝

  •     To answer this question, we need to check if the extract contains the words "sleek", "alert", and "abrupt" to describe the goldfinch.👀
  •      In the extract, the poet writes: "Then sleek as a lizard, and alert, and abrupt,/She enters the thickness". This shows that the poet uses these three words to describe the goldfinch's appearance and behavior.🐥
  •      The word "sleek" means smooth and shiny; the word "alert" means attentive and ready; and the word "abrupt" means sudden and unexpected. These words create an image of a fast and agile bird that surprises everyone with her arrival.🚀
  •      Therefore, the statement is true, as the extract does describe the goldfinch as sleek, alert, and abrupt.✔️

Question (vi)

What does the word "trillings" mean in the context of the extract?


 As written by the student:

The word "trillings" means high-pitched musical sounds in the context of the extract.

   Step-by-step explanation of the answer: 📝

  •      To answer this question, we need to understand the meaning of the word "trillings" and how it relates to the extract.🧠
  •       The word "trillings" is a noun that means a series of short, high-pitched sounds that are repeated quickly.🎵
  •      In the extract, the poet uses the word "trillings" to describe one of the sounds that the goldfinch and her family make in the tree.🐦
  •      This word creates a sense of melody and harmony, as if the goldfinch and her family are singing or playing music.🎶
  •      Therefore, the word "trillings" means high-pitched musical sounds in the context of the extract.✔️
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo