Boolean Algebra
Boolean algebra deals with binary values and logical operations.
It is the algebra of two values - true or false, yes or no, 1 or 0.
Logical Operators
Boolean Algebra uses 3 basic logical operators:
NOT operator |
OR operator |
AND operator |
Operates on a single input and gives complement of the input as the output. |
This operator performs logical addition on the input variables. |
This operator performs logical multiplication on the input variables. |
It is represented by an over bar or apostrophe on the variable to be operated. |
It is represented by the addition (+) symbol . |
It is represented using the dot (.) symbol. |
A’ implies complement of A |
A+B+C implies A OR B OR C |
A.B implies A AND B |
If A=0, then A’ = 1 and vice versa. |
It gives a true if any of the operands is true or 1. |
It gives a true only if both the operands are true or 1. |
Logical Variables
A logical variable can only take 2 values - either a binary 0 or binary 1.