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Chapter 3 Class 6 - Fibre to Fabric

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Fiber to Fabric is taught in 3 different classes - Class 6, 7 and 8. This is the Fiber Class 6 chapter, which is taught on Teachoo.

With Teachoo, you get NCERT Solutions, Notes, Extra Questions and MCQ are in Teachoo Questions.


The chapter, From Fibre to Fabric is one of the most important chapters from the perspective of class 6 to class 8 as you are going to have this chapter in every class. We, at Teachoo, will provide you with all the necessary sources such as concepts, NCERT questions along with extra questions made by our experts which will help you in clarifying all the concepts easily.

In class 6, we are going to learn about the sources from which various clothing materials are obtained. 

There are 2 basic sources from which we obtain these materials and that are -

  • Plants - Materials such as cotton and jute are obtained from plants.
  • Animals - Material such as wool is obtained from animals (sheeps).

There is also a 3rd category, that is the man made fibres such as nylon and polyester, which are made in labs and are also known as synthetic fibres.

Along with this, you will also learn about the techniques through which these materials of fibre are converted into fabrics such as knitting, weaving etc. and about the methods through which these fibres are extracted.

At last, you will also learn a brief about the history of these fabrics and how their usage has developed over time.


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NCERT Questions

Teachoo Questions

What's in it?

Fiber to Fabric is taught in 3 different classes - Class 6, 7 and 8. This is the Fiber Class 6 chapter, which is taught on Teachoo.

With Teachoo, you get NCERT Solutions, Notes, Extra Questions and MCQ are in Teachoo Questions.


The chapter, From Fibre to Fabric is one of the most important chapters from the perspective of class 6 to class 8 as you are going to have this chapter in every class. We, at Teachoo, will provide you with all the necessary sources such as concepts, NCERT questions along with extra questions made by our experts which will help you in clarifying all the concepts easily.

In class 6, we are going to learn about the sources from which various clothing materials are obtained. 

There are 2 basic sources from which we obtain these materials and that are -

  • Plants - Materials such as cotton and jute are obtained from plants.
  • Animals - Material such as wool is obtained from animals (sheeps).

There is also a 3rd category, that is the man made fibres such as nylon and polyester, which are made in labs and are also known as synthetic fibres.

Along with this, you will also learn about the techniques through which these materials of fibre are converted into fabrics such as knitting, weaving etc. and about the methods through which these fibres are extracted.

At last, you will also learn a brief about the history of these fabrics and how their usage has developed over time.


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