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Chapter 10 Class 6 - Motion and Measurement of Distances

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This chapter is the first chapter of Physics which we will study in Class 6, and it is Motion!


Let us now introduce you to the world of Physics. With chapter 10, Motion, you are going to take your first step into understanding physics. We, at Teachoo, will provide you with all the necessary sources such as concepts, NCERT questions along with extra questions made by our experts which will help you in clarifying all the doubts easily.

Firstly you will look at the story of transportation and how people used to move from one place to another in historic times. This will help you understand how the transportation system has developed over time and has become so convenient now

Then you will understand the concept of measurements and how various objects and distance from one place to another is measured. Measurements are done using a tool called scale and are depicted in terms of -

  • Metres
  • Centimetres
  • Kilometres

These different metrics can also be converted from one to another and are known as Standard Units of Measurements. For Example -

  • 1 metre = 100 centimetres
  • 1000 metres = 1 Kilometre

Finally you are going to understand how objects move from one place to another and the different types of motions in which they move like -

  • Oscillatory Motion
  • Rectilinear Motion
  • Periodic Motion


In this chapter, we will learn about

  • What is motion
  • Different types of motion


Click on the links below to check the notes, the NCERT Solutions or the extra MCQ and other questions (which we mark as Teachoo Questions)


NCERT Questions

Teachoo Questions

What's in it?

This chapter is the first chapter of Physics which we will study in Class 6, and it is Motion!


Let us now introduce you to the world of Physics. With chapter 10, Motion, you are going to take your first step into understanding physics. We, at Teachoo, will provide you with all the necessary sources such as concepts, NCERT questions along with extra questions made by our experts which will help you in clarifying all the doubts easily.

Firstly you will look at the story of transportation and how people used to move from one place to another in historic times. This will help you understand how the transportation system has developed over time and has become so convenient now

Then you will understand the concept of measurements and how various objects and distance from one place to another is measured. Measurements are done using a tool called scale and are depicted in terms of -

  • Metres
  • Centimetres
  • Kilometres

These different metrics can also be converted from one to another and are known as Standard Units of Measurements. For Example -

  • 1 metre = 100 centimetres
  • 1000 metres = 1 Kilometre

Finally you are going to understand how objects move from one place to another and the different types of motions in which they move like -

  • Oscillatory Motion
  • Rectilinear Motion
  • Periodic Motion


In this chapter, we will learn about

  • What is motion
  • Different types of motion


Click on the links below to check the notes, the NCERT Solutions or the extra MCQ and other questions (which we mark as Teachoo Questions)