• Answer of this question

    Op bisects angle AOC and oq bisects angle boc op is perpendicular to o
    Ajay Ojha's image
    Ajay Ojha
    Given: OP bisects ∠AOC, OQ bisects ∠BOC and OP ⊥ OQ.
    To Prove: The points A, O and B are collinear.
    Proof: ∵ OP bisects ∠AOC
    ∴ ∠AOP = ∠COP    ...(1)
    ∵ OQ bisects ∠BOC
    ∠BOQ = ∠COQ    ...(2)
    Now, ∠AOB
    = ∠AOP ∠COP ∠COQ ∠BOQ
    = ∠COP ∠COP ∠COQ ∠COQ
    | From (1) and (2)
    = 2(∠COP ∠COQ)
    = 2 ∠POQ
    = 2(90°)    | ∵ OP ⊥ OQ
    = 180°
    ∴ The points A, O and B are collinear.
    | By converse of Linear Pair 

    Written on Dec. 27, 2017, 6:31 p.m.