• Answer of this question

    The hcf of two number's is 145and their LCM is 2175.if one number is72
    Mohit Passi's image
    Mohit Passi

     Let two numbers a and b

    a*b = L.C.M * H.C.F

    to understand this formula we take an example:

    By prime factorization

    6 = 2*3

    12 = 2*2*3

    common factors = 2 and 3

    H.C.F = 2*3 // here we take common factors only

    L.C.M = 2*3*3  // here we take common factors and rest of the numbers got through prime factorization

    now by observation

    H.C.F * L.C.M = 2*3*2*3*3 = 6*12

    Get back to question let another number is x

    x*725 = 145 * 2175

    x = 145*2175 / 725

    x = 435


    Written on July 7, 2017, 4:11 p.m.