• Answer of this question

    Find five rational numbers between 6÷3 and 7÷9
    Davneet Singh's image
    Davneet Singh

    Hi Hina,

    We need to find 5 rational numbers between 6/3 and 7/9.


    First, lets make their denominators same

    6/3 = 6/3 x 3/3 = (6 x 3) / (3 x 3) = 18/9
    7/9 = 7/9


    So, we need to find 5 rational numbers between 7/9 and 18/9,

    They can be

    8/9, 9/9, 10/9, 11/9, 12/9


    Please look at this method also.


    Written on May 7, 2017, 1:25 p.m.