• Answer of this question

    Hello sir,In iyour solution of 12th class exercise  1.3 question 14 ho
    Davneet Singh's image
    Davneet Singh


    To find inverse of a function, 

    • We assume f(x) = y
    • And then find x in terms of y


    For example in the question

    f(x) = 4x / (3x + 4)

    y = 4x / (3x + 4)



    x = 4y / (4 - 3y)


    So, this x is the inverse,

    Thus, we write,

    g(y) = 4y / (4 - 3y)

    The correct answer should be B.


    There is a mistake in the last two lines.

    We will correct and it update it.

    Written on May 7, 2017, 1:09 p.m.