• Answer of this question

    What are the charges to learn excel n its features
    Davneet Singh's image
    Davneet Singh

    Hi Vivek,

    We teach Basic and Advanced Excel online and at our center in Delhi.

    The course details are:

    Practical Assignments in Application of Advanced Excel formulas in different situations

    • Basic Excel and Excel Shortcuts
    • Vlook up and Hlook up
    • Pivot tables, Goal Seek and Macros
    • If Command, Nested if
    • Countif, Sumif etc
    • Index and Match
    • Concantenate and Data Validation formulas

    The fees for only the Excel course is Rs 1900.

    Please register for the course at teachoo.com/premium

    Written on March 17, 2017, 12:50 p.m.