The number of carbon compounds is more than those formed by all other elements put together. Justify the statement by giving two reasons.



Carbon is able to form a large number of compounds because of its following properties:

  • Catenation : It is the self linking capacity of carbon atoms because of which they are able to form bonds with each other.
  • Small size : Carbon atoms have a small size so they are able to form strong and stable bonds with other elements.
  • Valency : Carbon has a valency of four which means one carbon atom can bond with 4 carbon atoms or any other monovalent atom.

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The number of carbon compounds is more than those formed by all other elements put together. Justify the statement by giving two reasons. Answer Carbon is able to form a large number of compounds because of its following properties: Catenation: It is the self linking capacity of carbon atoms because of which they are able to form bonds with each other. Small size: Carbon atoms have a small size so they are able to form strong and stable bonds with other elements. Valency: Carbon has a valency of four which means one carbon atom can bond with 4 carbon atoms or any other monovalent atom.

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo