What will be the output of the following Python code?

d = {"name": "Ravi", "age": 20, "city": "Delhi"}

d1 = d.copy()




A) {"name": "Ravi", "age": 20, "city": "Delhi"}


B) {}


C) {"name": "Ravi", "age": 20, "city": "Delhi"}

     {"name": "Ravi", "age": 20, "city": "Delhi"}

D) {}

     {"name": "Ravi", "age": 20, "city": "Delhi"}



Answer by student

A) {“name”: “Ravi”, “age”: 20, “city”: “Delhi”}


Detailed answer by teachoo

  • A dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs that are unordered, changeable, and indexed. 
  • There are many built-in functions/methods that can be used to manipulate dictionaries in Python. 
  • In this question, we are using the built-in methods copy() and clear() on a dictionary object. The syntax of these methods are:



where, dictionary is the original dictionary. The method copy() returns a shallow copy of the dictionary , which means it creates a new dictionary with the same key-value pairs as the original dictionary , but does not copy the references to the values. The method clear() removes all the key-value pairs from the dictionary and makes it empty.

  • Now that we know these concepts, we can proceed to find out the output of the code. We will follow these steps:
    • First, we will create a dictionary with three key-value pairs and assign it to the variable d using the statement d = {"name": "Ravi", "age": 20, "city": "Delhi"} .
    • Next, we will call the method copy() on d and assign the result to the variable d1 using the statement d1 = d.copy() . This will create a new dictionary with the same key-value pairs as d and assign it to d1. The dictionaries d and d1 will have different memory locations and any changes made to one will not affect the other.
    • Then, we will call the method clear() on d1 using the statement d1.clear() . This will remove all the key-value pairs from d1 and make it an empty dictionary. The dictionary d will remain unchanged.
    • Finally, we will display the values of d and d1 using the statements print(d) and print(d1) . This will print:

{"name": "Ravi", "age": 20, "city": "Delhi"}


  • Therefore, option A) is the correct answer.

So, the correct answer is 

A) {“name”: “Ravi”, “age”: 20, “city”: “Delhi”} 

     { }

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.