What does vulnerability to poverty refer to?

  1. The likelihood of certain communities becoming rich in the future

  2. The risk faced by certain groups during natural disasters or economic downturns

  3. The willingness of individuals to escape poverty through hard work

  4. The availability of social welfare programs for impoverished individuals


Answer by Student

The correct answer is (B): The risk faced by certain groups during natural disasters or economic downturns

Detailed Answer by Teachoo


Let’s check all the options and see why they are correct or not.

  • Option (A) The likelihood of certain communities becoming rich in the future - It does not relate to the concept of vulnerability to poverty. Vulnerability to poverty refers to the possibility of falling into poverty or remaining poor in the present or near future, not the probability of becoming rich in the distant future.  So, this option is incorrect❌

  • Option (B) The risk faced by certain groups during natural disasters or economic downturns - It captures the essence of vulnerability to poverty. Vulnerability to poverty refers to the exposure of certain groups or individuals to adverse events or shocks that can push them into poverty or worsen their poverty situation. These events or shocks can be natural disasters such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, etc., or economic downturns such as inflation, recession, unemployment, etc. This option is correct  ✅

  • Option (C) The willingness of individuals to escape poverty through hard work -  It does not relate to the concept of vulnerability to poverty. Vulnerability to poverty refers to the lack of capacity or opportunity to cope with or recover from poverty, not the motivation or effort to overcome poverty. So, this option is incorrect

  • Option (D) The availability of social welfare programs for impoverished individuals -  It does not relate to the concept of vulnerability to poverty. Vulnerability to poverty refers to the degree of insecurity or uncertainty faced by poor people, not the level of support or assistance provided by the government or other agencies. So, this option is incorrect

Thus, option (B) is correct because vulnerability to poverty refers to the risk faced by certain groups during natural disasters or economic downturns.

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.