Read the extract and answer the following questions


CHUBUKOV: (to LOMOV) She's like her mother — Mavra Lukinichna — she used to fall in love with everybody, too. (Laughs.) But, joking apart, Ivan Vassilevitch, you may believe me or not, as you like, but as soon as she heard that you were going to call, she powdered her face. Ha, ha, ha! Directly she caught sight of you out of the window, she cried, "He's coming, he's coming, he's coming!" and got as red as a poppy. (Laughs.) "He's coming, he's coming, he's coming!" Ha, ha, ha!

 (The Proposal)

The Proposal - Extract Based Question (2) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

Which of the following best describes Chubukov's tone in this extract?

  • (a) Serious
  • (b) Playful
  • (c) Angry
  • (d) Sad


Answer as written by the student:

(b) Playful

Step-by-Step explanation:

  • In the extract, Chubukov's tone can be described as:
  • 🅰️ Serious: Chubukov is not being serious, as he is joking and laughing.
  •  🅱️ Playful: Chubukov is teasing Lomov about Natalya's reaction, which shows a playful tone.
  •  🆑 Angry: There is no indication of anger in Chubukov's dialogue.
  •  🅳️ Sad: Chubukov is not expressing sadness in this extract.
  • So, the correct answer is: B. Playful😄

Question (ii)

What does Chubukov reveal about Natalya's reaction when she learned that Lomov was going to visit? Answer in about 40 words.


Answer as written by the student:

Chubukov reveals that Natalya powdered her face, got excited, and turned red when she learned that Lomov was going to visit.

Step-by-Step explanation:

  • In the extract, Chubukov shares that when Natalya learned about Lomov's visit:
  • 💄 She powdered her face.
  •  😮 She got excited and exclaimed, "He's coming, he's coming, he's coming!"
  • 🔴 She turned red as a poppy.
  • So, Natalya's reaction shows her anticipation and excitement about Lomov's visit. 🤗

Question (iii)

Identify the correct literary device used in the extract when Chubukov says, "and got as red as a poppy."

  • (a) Metaphor
  • (b) Simile
  • (c) Personification
  • (d) Hyperbole


Answer as written by the student:

(b) Simile

Step-by-Step explanation:

  • Let's analyze the given options:
  •  a) Metaphor: There is a comparison, but it uses "as" in the statement, so it's not a metaphor.
  •  b) Simile: Chubukov compares Natalya's redness to a poppy using "as," which is a simile.
  •  c) Personification: No human qualities are given to a non-human object or idea.
  •  d) Hyperbole: The statement doesn't seem to be an exaggeration.
  • So, the correct literary device is:
  • B. Simile - Chubukov uses "as" to compare Natalya's redness to a poppy. 🌺

Question (iv)

Based on the extract, what can the reader infer about Natalya's feelings towards Lomov before his arrival?


Answer as written by the student:

The reader can infer that Natalya has a romantic interest in Lomov, as she gets excited and makes an effort to look her best before his arrival.

Step-by-Step explanation:

  • Based on Chubukov's description of Natalya's reaction before Lomov's arrival, we can infer that:
  • 💓 Natalya likely has a romantic interest in Lomov.
  • 💄 She tries to look her best by powdering her face, indicating she cares about her appearance in front of him.
  •  😊 Her excitement and blushing suggest she has positive feelings towards him.
  • So, the reader can infer that Natalya has a romantic interest in Lomov and wants to make a good impression. 💕
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo