1. Higher Education Pyramid

India's Education system is in the form of Pyramid

Broad at bottom and narrow at top

It means that at lower level of education, there are more no of students

At higher level of education, no of students who study are much less

Education System in India Higher Education Pyramid - Teachoo.JPG

2. High Level of Unemployment

Rate of unemployment is higher with those pursuing higher education as compared to those with less education

Around 16% of graduates in urban areas and 19% in Rural areas are unemployed

However, only 3-6% of those youth who have primary level education are unemployed

Employment Opportunities Pyramid in India - Teachoo.JPG

3. Poor Quality of Education

In India, education standard is not of good quality

People are not taught employable skills which are in demand by companies

Instead, the focus is on rote learning

Reasons for Poor Quality of Education In India and how to Improve - Teachoo.JPG


Question 1

When compared to less educated, a large proportion of educated persons are unemployed. Why?

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MCQ Other Books

Question 1

In the following questions, select the correct answers:

Why large proportion of educated Indians are unemployed?

  1. Lack of Employable Skills
  2. Lack of Entrepreneurship Training
  3. Preference for White Collared Job
  4. All of these
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Higher Education Pyramid in India India's Education system is in the form of Pyramid Broad at bottom and narrow at topPyramid Of Egypt Education Pyramid Less Number of students at Higher Level More No of People at Primary Level Meaning It means that at lower level of education, there are more no of students At higher level of education, number of students who study are much Less Many Students drop out and do not pursue higher education Employment Opportunities Pyramid It is in form of Inverted Pyramid Inverted Pyramid Of Egypt Education Opportunities Pyramid More unemployment at Higher level Less Unemployment at Lower level Meaning More the level of education, more difficult to find jobs Around 16% of graduates in urban areas and 19% in Rural areas are unemployed However, only 3-6% of those youth who have primary level education are unemployed Reasons for Poor Quality of Education In India What does our Education System Teach? Rote Learning Training to become Employee Preparation for White collared jobs (Office jobs) Creativity is Killed What is Actually Required? Practical -Real Life Skills Training to Become Entrepreneurs Skills Training for Blue Colored Jobs (Electrician, plumber) Creativity & innovation Should be encouraged

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo